The Near Death Experience: A Discussion

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Presenter: Michelle Vitner
Third Floor Meeting Room
Join Michelle Vitner for an overview of the NDE (Near Death Experience) and how it affects people in all age groups, religious and non-religious backgrounds, across gender, cultural traditions and all walks of life. We will find the common elements that make up the NDE, speculation about its causes and meaning, and how it appears to have a lasting positive impact on those who experience it. Q and A to follow and then open discussion.
Michelle Vitner holds a B.A. in Comparative Religion and Anthropology from Hunter College/CUNY. Her main focus of studies was on mystical experience, consciousness, indigenous healing traditions and phenomena around death and dying, including the NDE.
She also holds an A.A.S. in Health Sciences/Massage Therapy, as well as 20 years in health care as a licensed practical nurse, where she also worked with palliative care and hospice patients.
She lives in Brewster NY with her family and two cats; Pickles and Pippins.
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