
Library Pages

Library Pages shelve books and other materials, ensure that shelves are in order and perform other minor tasks as needed. Onsite training is provided, however, strong organizational skills are a plus. For a more complete job description, visit the Putnam County Personnel Department’s Job Specifications webpage.

We highly encourage applicants to be active members of Mahopac Public Library, whether that be through participating in programs, volunteering or checking out material.

Applicants must be high school students 14 years or older. To apply, submit a completed Library Page Application Form to the circulation desk or email it to kbatirbek@mahopaclibrary.org.

*Due to the high number of applications received, any applications submitted will be put on file and applicants will be contacted in the future if there is a position available. Students from the Mahopac Central School District will be given preference.

All Other Positions

All other library employment positions must be applied for through the Putnam County Personnel Department. Visit Putnam County’s Employment Opportunities page to view information about upcoming exams and library job postings and view job descriptions.