Teen Horror Movie Festival

March 16th at 2 PM

Community Room, 3rd floor

Teens can participate by making a horror film and submitting it for a chance to win a $100 gift card.

Teens will need to submit a form (located at youth services desk) providing their names, movie title, and a means to contact them in case of emergency.
Forms should be turned either with or before they submit their movie.

Films must be no longer than 5 minutes.

Please keep movies to a PG rating (This means no gore or cursing).

This is for teens, grades 6-12.

Deadline: March 1, 2023 at midnight.

Films must be submitted to Amanda via email or in person via flash drive.

Films can be done in any media (live action, animated, stop motion, etc.)

Films must be in the topic specified: The Unknown (if you need some help with the prompt, there is a binder located at youth services with some additional info and movie references).

For any questions, you can see the FAQ binder or email Amanda at astalcup@mahopaclibrary.org

We look forward to seeing your movies!!!

View last festival’s movies here
