Friday Film Night for Adults

Friday, April 18th at 6pm
Community Room, 3rd floor
Join us once a month for a curated film selection!
This month’s screening: The Long Goodbye (1973, 112 minutes, dir. Robert Altman, rated R)
You remember Philip Marlowe? That hardboiled detective Humphrey Bogart played in The Big Sleep? Well, he’s a little different here. Robert Altman, the maverick director behind MASH, Nashville, and so many more classics, reimagined Raymond Chandler’s iconic PI as a lovable loser who is constantly rambling to himself and lives his life according the whims of his very particular cat. Who better to bring this put upon character to life than the inimitable Elliott Gould? This iconoclastic noir is shaggy, funny, oh-so-very 70s, and served as the blueprint for cult classics down the line such as The Big Lebowski and Inherent Vice. Plus: a script by Leigh Brackett, the screenwriter behind The Big Sleep!
This is an after-hours program for adults.
Bring your own food and drink (no alcohol) and/or enjoy some of our provided refreshments and snacks.
The library doors lock at 7 PM so we are required to stay on the third floor after closing time. If you need to leave early, approach Joe and he will escort you downstairs to the exit.
See you at the movies!