Find Your Psychic Self

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Virtual – no room needed
Study the fine art of fortune-telling and the seven steps needed to develop your psychic ability. Fine tune your “sixth sense” by delving into palmistry, numerology, card reading, and dowsing with a pendulum. Unlock your intuition through dream interpretation, hypnosis, and meditation. Learn about auras (energy fields around your body), chakras (energy points in your body), and color analysis. Find the psychic connections between sun-sign astrology, Chinese astrology, and Native American totems.
For maximum enjoyment, students should have a deck of playing cards, string, tape, penny, and colored pencils or crayons. Information sheets will be made available to participants.
This virtual event is held via Zoom; registration with a valid email address is required.
Support for this program is provided by the Friends of Mahopac Public Library.