Teen Book Reviewers

For grades 6-12
Anytime, Anywhere
Mahopac Public Library is looking for avid readers to give book reviews!
Book Reviews help our librarians know which books to recommend to readers when they are searching for something new.
Having teen readers give us reviews of the books they are reading will help us get the right books to the right readers.
We also hope teens will explore new books and have fun reading.
*** Volunteer Service Opportunity ***
Every semester, you can earn up to 10 service credits for submitting 10 reviews.
Requirements for service credits:
1. The book you choose cannot be a summer reading book
2. You must fill out all required fields
3. Do NOT submit book reviews from books you read years ago (if we receive multiple book reviews minutes after the other, they will not count.)
4. Please do not give one word/one sentence reviews. Please put some thought and reasoning behind your opinions.
Once you have completed 10 reviews and gotten your 10 credits for the semester, you can continue submitting reviews. You will not get service credits, but we still want to hear your opinions.
For any questions, please contact Amanda at astalcup@mahopaclibrary.org