MPL Content Creators

Mondays, March 17th through May 19th at 4:30pm

Get Volunteer Credits!
Lake View Room, Children’s Area

Register ButtonMahopac Public Library is looking for teens to help make fun videos for our social media pages!

MPL Content Creators is a program where teens run the show!

Together, teens will:

  • Meet Weekly
  • Create fun videos
  • Learn video editing and use our equipment
  • Show off your vids!

First meeting is March 17 (info session and getting started)
This is a one time sign-up. Once you’ve signed up, it will be for the whole program.
Teens participating will need to fill out a photo/ video consent form before they start filming.
Teens looking for service hours will need to fill out a volunteer application (if they have not already done so).
Registration not required, but appreciated.
