Mosquitoes Bugging You?

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Join us for this hands-on citizen science program and contribute to real, ongoing scientific research.
Ages 15 through adult
Presented by Talya Shragi, PhD candidate, Cornell University
Community Room, 3rd Floor
The Asian tiger mosquito is currently invading New York State.
To help protect us from bites and prevent further invasion, scientists need to know where in New York these mosquitoes are.
Learn about mosquito biology and bite prevention in this interactive workshop. Topics include:
- Do all mosquitoes bite?
- Why are some people mosquito magnets?
- Which repellents really work?
Build a mosquito egg trap (these traps will not add more mosquitoes to your garden). Mail collected eggs to Cornell University for identification.
View the results of the data they have collected online.
Image by Dror Feitelson Pikiwiki Israel is licensed under CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons/cropped from original & rotated.