Monday Evening Book Group: 2023 Selections

New Members Welcome!
This adult book group usually meets on the first Monday of each month at 6:30pm; new members are always welcome.
This group is led by librarian Emily Wierzbowski. For group updates, please email to be added to the group’s contact list.
Books are available at the Circulation Desk. You can also get a copy through curbside pick-up by calling the Information Desk at 845-628-2009 ext 100 and saying that you would like to schedule a pick-up of the Monday Evening Book Group book.

January 9th
Lost Roses
by Martha Hall Kelly

February 6th
Tenth of December: Stories
by George Saunders

March 6th
The Kitchen God’s Wife
by Amy Tan

April 3rd
Silas Marner
by George Eliot

May 1st
The Good Left Undone
by Adriana Trigiani

June 5th
by Jonathan Franzen

July 3rd
The Last Thing He Told Me
by Laura Dave

August 7th
Switchboard Soldiers
by Jennifer Chiaverini

September 11th
The Night Watchman
by Louise Erdrich

October 2nd
And Then There Were None
by Agatha Christie

November 6th
Defending Jacob
by William Landay

December 4th
Ordinary Grace
by William Kent Krueger
Book images: Syndetics. Main image licensed under the Pexels License/cropped from original.